Though we seem to be sleeping there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream,
and that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.
~ Rumi
The Journey
It is rare to be met in the space of presence and to be deeply witnessed, and yet we equally yearn and fear to be deeply seen, to courageously meet what is blocking our true nature, and to be more intimate with our experience and the ground of being from which all experience arises.
Meeting our suffering in the space of stillness allows it to naturally arise and dissolve, allowing true healing to take place.
As we rest as presence and not-knowing, relinquish control, and allow everything to be as it is, our true self awakens. We come to recognize that what we were seeking was intimately close and never far away or somewhere “out there” as a goal or place to be reached.

We’ve always been whole, we were never lost or alone, and the true love and deep intimacy we so deeply yearned for was essentially the magnetic pull of our being to wake up to its true self.
Maybe you’ve experienced a true awakening or maybe you’re guided by an inner knowing that there’s more to life and have yet to pierce the illusory veil of separation.
Life is the ultimate teacher. It really is where the rubber meets the road, where each moment provides an opportunity to awaken from the dream state of separation, and suffering opens portals to meeting what is true.
It’s one thing to have a true realization of our natural state and experience a fundamental shift in consciousness, it’s something else entirely to embody this realization in everyday life – when the habitual pull of the conditioned mind and old ways of relating with self, others, and the world can re-emerge.
Regardless of where you find yourself, I offer my support as a loving friend that shares the journey and is intimately familiar with the unique challenges that unfold while traversing the mystery school of life, embodying truth, and cultivating a love affair with stillness.
The private meetings I offer by Skype or Zoom integrate nondual and earth based wisdom with cutting edge insights from modern psychology.
Meetings take place in the space of open presence, meeting whatever arises and wants to be healed in the light of awareness.

Discover the awake presence that is already and always present
Reconnect with the magic, vitality, and sacredness of everyday life
Integrate practices that support awakening and embodying presence ~ integrating your humanity and divinity in everyday life.
Meeting life’s challenges in the light of awareness and using them as powerful portals to rest deeper in the space of being.
Receive support and guidance in the artistry of meditation and taking that practice beyond the meditation cushion so it’s a living, breathing practice that permeates all aspects of life
Be a sacred mirror of the light we are that awakens the light in each other
I’d love to meet you in the deep process of Truth. If you have any questions or would like to move forward you can reach out via the contact form or email me at love@renatebest.com.
You can learn about me by visiting the about page.